Reiki is a gift that we give ourselves and it increases for us when we can share it as a family. Not just the typical mother and father and children, but also significant others, and the many people we often consider family.
My first "students" that I attuned as a new Reiki Master in 1995 were my husband Bob and son Johnnie (7). Although they didn't fully understand what Reiki was all about and what I was about to do, they were willing to support me in my journey as a teacher. I cannot begin to tell you the joy that I felt as I prepared them to receive this gift. Tears flowed from my eyes as I attuned them. I felt the joy and the coming together as a spiritual family. The remembering of who we are at our soul level and why we come together in a family was the gift of their attunements.
Later that year, when I attended a Karuna Reiki® workshop, I was told during a meditation that my son Matthew, at 4 years of age, was ready to receive his attunement as well. He has brought much insight ever since (and many laughs) about how to use Reiki.
How we use Reiki as a family is that we pick a time and share Reiki with each other. The boys are much quicker in their giving and receiving since they are pure channels. They feel the energy come in and out. So a typical sharing can last just an hour. We usually scan each other to find the areas in need and then allow the Reiki to flow there.
Whenever I am teaching, someone always gives me Reiki before class. It helps me to be a more clear channel and for things to flow smoothly.
If there is an illness or injury, whoever is available at the time will give Reiki. If we are all available, we give the person as much Reiki as they want. This has worked well with the kids and sports injuries and fevers and colds. We have found that the illness works through the process quicker and injuries heal faster.
A friend of John's recently broke her wrist. He went to her house and gave her Reiki. He is usually shy about sharing it (he's a teenager now) so I was quite happy when he told me what he did! He said she felt the heat and the energy and enjoyed the "treatment."
When one of the boys has an exam in school, we make time to send Reiki to them. We send the mental/emotional symbol for relaxation and clear thinking. A few weeks ago, when John was taking his Math Regents exam, Bob and I stopped what we were doing and sent Reiki 5 minutes before the exam began. John told us later that he felt this energy come over him and he felt really good taking the test. I also send the boys Reiki when they are into sibling rivalry and fighting. Again, I use the mental/emotional symbol to help heal the relationship and ask for the best outcome.
We also send Reiki as a family to other family members in difficult times. When my cousin died this year at 46 years of age, it was a difficult time for the entire family. The boys and I prepared them emotionally and asked that we give ourselves Reiki for a few minutes before we went in. I also asked them to bring Reiki in, fill themselves up with it, and then let it flow from them to our relatives and friends who needed it.
We also send Reiki to anyone in the family who is sick or in distress. We just stop what we are doing, invoke the distant healing symbol, and think of the person or situation and let the Reiki flow. We always ask for the best outcome and let Reiki do what needs to be done.
When Bob has important business meetings, or travels, the boys and I send Reiki for a successful outcome or safety. When I travel to teach, they send me Reiki as well.
What I have found is that the use of Reiki in the family helps us all to be more understanding and accepting and compassionate with each other. It helps us really focus on the love we feel for each other.
An interesting family experience was when I gave my niece a Reiki session (she is 30) and she loved it! I explained what Reiki is and that we all do it. She then said, "I always knew there was something special and different about your family!" That was one of the best compliments I ever had! We have since had many interesting conversations and it brought our relationship to a different and more enjoyable level.
One very special family use of Reiki was by two of my students from New England. They took the Master class in December 1997, and their gift to their family for Christmas was the gift of Reiki. On Christmas Eve, they gathered their family together (mom and dad and sisters), talked about Reiki, and then gave them their first degree attunement. Even the cat joined in! That was their sharing of their love for their family. They have shared it ever since.
Some other ways families can use Reiki is if someone is terminally ill or going through radiation or chemotherapy. The family members learn Reiki and are able to give their loved ones Reiki to support their process. They also have Reiki for themselves to replenish their energy and help them keep on keeping on. It is also useful for someone who has surgery. Giving Reiki before and after helps the healing process and strengthens the connection between family members.
Some women also study Reiki so that they can give themselves and their baby Reiki during their pregnancy. What a gift that baby has receiving Reiki even before it's born!
Reiki is good for all aspects of loving and living together. It helps us to be the people we are truly meant to be. It helps us to remember to be compassionate and understanding and tolerant of those we love and live with.
How do you share Reiki with your family and friends?
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