Over the years that I have been teaching Reiki, I have often been asked the question: “Why do I need an attunement or initiation to healing energy?” or “If this is universal life energy that is available to all why do I need to come to a Reiki class and receive a special initiation?” I would like to address these questions. I am going to focus on the word initiation as I feel that when you receive an attunement to the Reiki energy you are being initiated into the energy.
In the “Oxford English Dictionary” initiation is described as “the action of beginning, entering upon, or starting something.” It is also defined as “formal introduction by preliminary instruction or initial ceremony into some position, office, or society, or knowledge of or participation in some principles or observances- hence - admission to the knowledge of instruction in the elements of any subject or practice.” This definition accurately describes my perception of an initiation.
I am sure that there are those who worked with energy work much longer than I had when they took their first Reiki class. They may question why it is necessary to be initiated into something that they believed already existed within them. I would have two responses to them. Would the neophyte believe in this natural gift from Spirit of healing self and others without the ritual? Secondly, as the “Oxford Dictionary” indicates, initiation is also “admission to the knowledge or instruction in the elements of any subject or practice.” Is this not the process that Dr. Usui went through when he received the Reiki keys to healing from Spirit?
As a teacher I have seen my students many reactions to the process of receiving an initiation. In varying degrees each student has been touched in some special way by Spirit. Initiations are a part of the process of reconnection to Spirit and a beginning of a new or renewed walk down the path of life. Many doors are opened in this sacred ritual. If you have received an attunement to Reiki, remember back to the feelings you had during your special ceremony and connection to Reiki. If you are thinking about taking a Reiki class, then know that the healing energies that you were born with will only expand as Reiki begins to flow through your body, soul, and spirit. Blessings on your journey.
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