Reiki is being practiced all over India and is very popular. It seems to have gotten started about 1992. Then in 1994, one of my students, William Hawu began teaching all levels of Reiki and it took off. There are now an estimated 1,000,000 people practicing Reiki in India and the numbers keep growing. One thing we noticed is that Indians are into Reiki for the healing benefits and they really practice Reiki. With a large population of poor, Reiki is a solution for low income people and we heard many Reiki success stories from all over India. We taught 5 classes in Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai with a total of 140 students. Because of the low income of most Indians, we adjusted the cost of the classes so it was afordable.
While there we also spent 3 days at the the Sai Baba ashram in Putaparty. Baba does 2 darshans a day and we were at 5. I took pictures of the World Peace Crystal Grids for both the North and South Pole and wrote prayers on them. I asked that the World Reiki community would be united in love and work together in harmony, I asked also that the WPCGs would be charged by Baba for world peace and I also asked that Baba help me on my path as a Reiki leader. As he came by during darshan, I held out the pictures and he came over, felt the energy and then accepted them. So, Baba has blessed the World Reiki community and because of this, I am sure we will now see a major difference in how all the groups of Reiki people get along with each other. I received many spiritual blessings while I was there and plan to return to spend even more time in the future.
We were so well received and encouraged that we have set up a branch of the ICRT with offices in Delhi and will likely open other offices in cities around India. We will be publishing a special edition of the Reiki News just for India and will also have a special web page. We will also be looking at property in the foot hills of the Himalayas near Dharmasala and are making plans to open an International Reiki Spa and training center there. There are plans for a world Reiki event in Goa in January 2001 with several well known International Reiki masters who will be speaking and giving workshops. The spiritual foundation of Reiki is easily understood and accepted and the devotion of the people is very strong. They want to know as much as possible about how to practice and use Reiki and most are doing lots of treatments. There are several Reiki newsletters and many Reiki Centers, some with as many as 1000 members. Prices for classes range from 400Rs ($10) for Reiki I to 20,000Rs ($475) for Master. With a population approaching 1 Billion and a middle class of 3-400 million who enjoy a standard of living equal to western Europe, India is a most interesting mix of economic, educational and religious backgrounds and all seem to get along well. It will be an exciting experience to watch as the Reiki movement grows and matures there
1 comment:
Funny that "saibabaexposed" (aka Sanjay Kishore Dadlani) is posting a link to his blog, trying to expose Sathya Sai Baba. Dadlani has been fully documented going around the internet requesting (of all things) Jesus Pornography (Reference 1), stalking innocent teenagers and students with his digicam, taking pictures up their dresses and under tables and posting them on a blog, dispersed to who knows whom (Reference 2) and telling pathological lies against Sathya Sai Baba (Reference 3). No kidding!
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